Connecting the Joke to their Business

One of the funnest ways I create quick humor and really, really connect with the client, is to connect with their business. I just did a show for architects and engineers, and even though I know very little about what they do, I was still able to have some fun. What I...

Joking with Small Groups

9 People??? This week had I had the opportunity to be in front of a small group. . . 9 people. That’s NINE – single digit. . .no, I didn’t miss a zero. Before  this, the smallest I’d spoken to was 12. . . a little bit of a drop from the 4400 people I was in front of...

Writing A GREAT Joke Set-Up Line

So much of what we focus on in joke writing is the punch line, but one way to make a great punch line is coming up with a great set-up line. My first three tips for a great set-up line are to: Make it Short. Bill Cosby can go on forever and ever, but the rest of us...

Saying it in THEIR words

Have you ever watched a news show in which they’re interviewing a witness or maybe someone who was just in a disaster? The interviewer says a few words and then waits. The interviewee will then say a word or two, and the interviewer continues to wait. EVENTUALLY the...