- I sold this over the phone!
3 funny subjects to kick off an awkward conversation
So we’re coming up on the holiday season, and you know what that means – lots of business and family holiday parties where you’re stuck in awkward conversations with people you barely know wondering what the heck do I SAY to this person????
Well as usual, there’s humor to the rescue! Kick off a conversation with a joke or a funny observation, and you’ll put everyone at ease. Here’s 3 subjects you can come prepared with so that you can connect with those unfamiliar people.
Horrible past jobs.
Yes, we’ve all had past jobs that are BAD. My worst job was wayyy back when telemarketing was in its infancy and I had NO IDEA what it was – hey, it had the word “marketing” in it. . .so I applied, and shocker, I was hired. So for a little while, I actually sold SIDES OF BEEF OVER THE TELEPHONE. And as my joke goes, “I lasted 6 hours, which gave me seniority!” So dig through your memory roladex (is that even a word) and find a past job that’s pretty awful. . . then make a crack about it at your spouse’s holiday party. You’ll get lots of people chiming in, I guarantee, and soon you’ll have lots of friends.
Unusual Vacations.
This is a good all around topic because you can always ask someone where they’re going for vacation, and then launch into a quip about an usual vacation you’ve had. My family vacation bit about our family of 6 driving cross-country on vacation (Click here to see the 2 min. clip) gets a lot of “aha” moments from the audience because many of us baby boomers did one of those vacations too!
Holidays gone bad.
Most holidays go great, but sometimes there’s the unexpected – the fire department shows up to put out the turkey or grandpa’s luggage was stolen at the airport (that happened!). Dredge up some interesting holiday stores and you’ll entertain AND connect with others in the group. This is an easy subject to get into because, hey, you’re at a holiday party! And if you don’t have a bad party story of your own, just turn on the news. . .right about now, they’re starting to report on goofy things people do to hurt themselves in preparation for the celebration.
Horrible jobs, unusual vacations and holidays gone bad are great subjects for humor AND the cool thing is, they build on each other and create a quick connection to make you memorable. So give some thought to those subjects before heading out into the unknown holiday party!
P.S. don’t forget, i have a GREAT stocking stuffer gift for stressed out family, friends & coworkers. . Cubicle Comedy Playing Cards! Actual playing cards with my work jokes and work advice for surviving the office. Do you know how to eat for free in the office? Click here to order!