No, not IdioTS,

that’s IdioMS. Those aren’t the people  you work with who don’t “get it,” . . .idioms are sayings that we hear  constantl. Things like “a penny saved is a penny earned”  or “a fool and his money are soon parted.” People are familiar with these  sayings, so if you want to do some quick, recognizable humor, then twist them  around and have some fun.

A quick Google search

will give you lists and lists and lists of these sayings. Twisting them to mean something else gives people a quick laugh and it’s EASY humor for you. A few idioms that I’ve had fun with as examples in my groups, include:

“A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned.”

“Hold Your Horses.”

“Rome Was Not Built In One Day”

“Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Tools”

“Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees.”

“A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted.”

“Everything  But The Kitchen Sink.”

“Great Minds Think Alike.”

“It Takes Two To Tango”

“You  Can’t Take It With You”

“Pass  The Buck”

“Practice  Makes Perfect”

Take a problem you’re dealing with

and make your point by  twisting an idiom. For example, a technology group I was speaking to had 2  headaches – 1. getting staff to go to training and 2. getting staff to realize  that they can’t use unsecure “cloud computing.” So I showed them how to have  fun with these idioms, grab people’s attention AND perhaps even get people to  listen to their message.

“Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Tools. Come to the technology meeting and be saved!”

“A Penny Saved . ..means you’re not using the newest software. Let us upgrade your system and you’ll save more.”

“Hold Your Horses. We just want you. . .to  attend our technology meeting.”

“Rome  Was Not Built In One Day. . .probably because they didn’t attend computer  training. Come to our meeting and learn!”

“Outdated software usually involves A Fool  And His Money. . .meet with us so we can update your computer.”

“This  new software has Everything But The Kitchen Sink. . . actually we can probably  program it to do your dishes too!”

“Great Minds Think Alike. All others use unsecure cloud services.”

“It Takes Two To Tango . . . it only takes one person to teach you how to use the new technology. Please give me 5 minutes of your time!”

“You Can’t Take it With You. . .but once you learn this cool new software, you might try!”

“Pass The Buck. . .but don’t pass up this tech meeting to learn the new software!”

Once you get the hang of it, you can have a blast changing around idioms.
