Painting With Jokes

I’m always hearing people say .. . “wow, you’re a comedian? I just heard a really funny comedian. Let’s seeee, what was his name. . can’t remember, but he was so funny. He joked about his kid riding a bicycle for the first time, and. . . “  That’ right, people don’t...

Using the Question WHO

I’ve talked about . .  asking questions to come up with great punch lines. And one of those questions is WHO? Who would do this? Who does this remind you of? Who else should be here, who who who!  If you’re trying to make a joke about a cold room for example, ask WHO...

The Moral of the Story is. . .

So you want to come up with a killer punch line for your joke? Ask the question – “what is the moral of this story” and/or use the starter phrase. . . “in other words.” As I’ve mentioned before, what you’re trying to do with humor is to say something without saying...

WHY Are We Doing It This Way?????

You know little kids can be annoying (probably why I didn’t have any). . .not because they wet their pants and/or barf a lot, but because they ask a lot of questions”. . many of which we don’t know the answer to – it just IS!!! And what is the most popular question...

Connecting the Joke to their Business

One of the funnest ways I create quick humor and really, really connect with the client, is to connect with their business. I just did a show for architects and engineers, and even though I know very little about what they do, I was still able to have some fun. What I...