Comedy Writing Resources
Comedy writing isn’t just about writing, you have to also have people READ it. Okay, maybe not but it’s a lot more fun anyway. I’ve come across a couple of web sites that seem to be good sources for posting your writing, exchanging writing ideas with others, selling books, etc . . I’m in the process of checking them out, so feel free to do the same.
If you try them, let me know what you think. Or if you know of others that you really like, send those over as well.
Thanks, – if you’re writing about true stuff, check this site out! – if you want to market your book, this group is great. I heard about some of these sites from them. – for women writers – independent book publishers association ..for those of us who did it our way.
Linkedin . . .you can write and post articles on here! Pretty cool . . check it out . . this has been around for a while. . it’s still viable. They have to review all submissions, so it takes longer, but what the heck do you care? – if you like to read, you MUST sign up here! They send out a daily email with books reduced down to everything from $2.99 to free . . .and you can pick the genre you like. You can also get your books listed. I’ve been buying books from here for a while . . .but may put mine on one of the promotions – they’ll put your book up on many of the book selling sites – like barnes and noble – that would take you a long time to figure out. I’m working on getting my books on here as well
I hope this helps. There are dozens of other places I’m sure . . but these are what I’ve been focusing on for the moment.
Enjoy the weekend!
Jan – Jan’s main website – Jan’s site for health care keynotes
Funny Apps
Funny humor comes in all forms,
and it’s not just for stand-up comedians. Ventriloquists use dolls, magicians use rabbits, hypnotists use people. . . you get the picture. So how about looking for the funny outside of just plan jokes. Years ago, when I sold a lot of topical (day-to-day news) jokes to radio and TV, I always had leftover jokes. . . I thought they were funny, but apparently the buyers didn’t.
Not to be one to waste a joke,
I came up with the brilliant idea of Cat Comedian! Yes, my cat, Rockette would tell these jokes. Then if people didn’t think they were funny, it wouldn’t reflect badly on my comedy career.
Cat Comedian didn’t really
take off due to my crazy schedule and the fact that video and audio editing software were nowhere near as easy as it is today. I just didn’t have the time. BUT there are now apps that can help with this. Here are a few funny apps that I’ve started using that can help put humor into whatever you want to make funnier.
- Ripl . . .combines your pictures with music and text . . .take some funny pictures and make a funny video.
- My Talking Pet . . . great app that makes your pet, or pretty much anything you want, talk!
- Word Swag . . . makes fun pictures and posters with words . . .great for FB posting and other social media.
I’d love to hear the apps that you use to add humor!
Take care,
Comedy Writing Gigs Part 8
Comedy writing is possible –
I’ve shown you how to find comedy writing clients and what you need to show them so they’ll hire you. But can you make a living off freelance comedy writing? Yes. . .and no. Or maybe no. . then yes. This is one of those careers that starts slow . . . you need to do it a lot and get to the point where people know about you and come to you when they need some jokes.
What do they pay?
For freelance jokes, I’ve been paid anywhere from $5 to over $200 per joke, not including the free stuff, but $5 is almost free. The best paying are late night TV and, believe it or not, greeting cards. But as I mentioned, those are the hardest to get into and the hardest jokes to write. . .plus there’s lots of competition. And we’re talking about freelance jokes. . .not getting on the paid staff of a show. That pays a lot more and you can make a great living on that.
3 main ways to charge for jokes . . .

write humor fast with these quick tips
- By the joke, which is what I do. I take a non-refundable deposit, so I get something, and then I apply it to any jokes they buy. They usually buy more than the deposit, so it works out. I like this method because it assures the client that they’re getting some jokes they like. If you want a sample of my “joke writing rules,” just email me and I’ll send it to you –
I include things like
“you have to pay before you use it.” Comedy can be tough. . . and if you don’t say it right, like you miss a word or something, OR if there’s some other factor (lunch being served) that distracts from the show, then the joke may not hit. I can’t be held accountable for that. . .so pay before you use. If they think it’s funny and I think it’s funny, then it’s probably funny. I do try to avoid telling them how many jokes I’ll give them for their review. . .because this is a creative process, so it’s kind of hard to say just how many my brain will come up with.
2. By the hour.
Some of my friends charge for the hours that they spend writing. . .and they give the client everything that they’ve written. This is also a great idea, because sometimes you write stuff that you don’t think is funny, but someone else does. . .or they know how to make it funny. So giving them everything that comes out of your head might be good. One caution. . . make sure you put the stuff you think is funniest at the beginning. . .so they laugh right off the top. If you put random stuff at the top, and it’s not the funniest, they may form a bad opinion of your material before they get to the funny stuff.
3. By the page.
And I do know comedians who charge by the page, and tell the client they’ll give the X number of pages of material. This is basically doing it by the hour and giving them everything you’ve written. . .but if it’s a tough topic, you may get yourself in a bind by promising 2 pages of material, and in reality you are straining to come up with 1. So be careful with this one.
But you can make a living,
or at least a great 2nd income by freelance joke writing if you work it really hard and keep on top of things. . . and it may take a while, but once you get some clients under your belt, and you get more and more known, then it gets easier to make the money.
I do have a book Click Here if you want more tips. Also, email me for the list of what I tell my joke clients.
That’s it. . happy joke writing!
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