Joking On the Web
Jokes abound on the web. . .
No this isn’t about stealing jokes from websites and putting them into your speech. That’s called. . .stealing jokes. This is about using resources on the web to find your set-up lines so that you can create the jokes.
Here’s one funny and fun resource for your comedy. . . There are lots of great articles on here that are culled from all over the internet. . . and as such, there is lots of great comedy just waiting to be written.
For example, I saw this hilarious true map of

funny top things people are googling in each state
what the most popular google search is for each state as a result of the recent political stuff going on. So look at the google search for that state and then have some fun with what we know about that state.
One of the tamer googles is from Arizona. . .
they mostly want to know how to immigrate to Canada. Funny if you start thinking about people in Arizona moving to Canada. . .do they actually know how cold it gets there? If they want to immigrate to Canada, their first stop should be Nordstroms for a COAT. Wear that around 24/7 for a week to make sure they really want to go make their home in Canada.
New Mexico people are researching
boarder patrol jobs – if that doesn’t work out, they can chat with the good people in Arkansas to find out what they learned about fence building.
Or in North Dakota, they don’t want to
move to Canada to protest. . . they just want to know how TO protest!” And of course there’s always the gross googling. . . the good folks of Missouri wants to know about Sean Spicer’s gum. What could you possibly want to know about gum, even if the person chews it in mass quantities!!!
So take a look at Digg or other sites that I’ll be mentioning in the future, and find some funny stuff to joke about easily!
Jan – my main website – I keynote at a lot of health care events, so here’s my site for that – I’m a GREAT emcee for your event
Comedy and the Blame Game
“Comedy is in the eye of
the beholder.” What people think is funny really does vary from person to person. For example, a friend of mine carries around a doll. . . like almost everywhere he goes. . .. He’s not as crazy as he sounds, it’s just a funny thing he does to be funny (at least we hope it’s a joke!). The doll whom we’ll call “Chester” . . . because, well that’s the doll’s name. . . makes for a lot of comedy and funny antics as Chester gets himself into all sorts of trouble! Everything that goes wrong is blamed on Chester, and people are encouraged to give input on decisions Chester has or will make.

Comedy Fall-Guy Chester
Why do I bring up Chester?
Because the doll is a ventriloquist doll, and my friend, who is not a ventriloquist, is doing something that ventriloquists have been doing forever. . .making their doll (puppet) their fall guy. Yes, the doll can say and do things that are funny, but that the ventriloquist can’t because he/she will get in trouble or anger the audience. The doll can say dirty jokes that the ventriloquist can’t, the doll can make fun of a person that the ventriloquist can’t. Dolls are good for being the bad guy or gal.
Now you might not want to bring
a doll or puppet up with you on stage if you’re doing a presentation at your company, but you can still use the tactic of blame. Comedians do it all the time without a doll. If we want to say something, but don’t want the audience to get mad at us, then we say our girlfriend/boyfriend or our mom or our grandmom said it. . .. my wife, my kids, my dog. . .you get the picture. Then who is the audience gonna get mad at? No one! If your joke talks about someone being an idiot, have your mom call ‘em an idiot. . . you’ll get the joke out and you’ll take yourself out of the mix.
So go through your funny lines and
find a way to blame someone else for saying it. It’ll still get a laugh AND no one can get mad at you!
My cat just gave me look that says “A blog about ‘puppets’ in this political climate? Really, Jan?” Hey, the dog made me write it. – my main comedy website
A Comedian on Being Genuine
Joke material and funny stuff
these days is all around us. . .especially if you’re a comedian and you write political humor. Between “alternative facts” and bringing your own cheering section to a briefing, the current president is opening himself up to a lot of jokes about him and his administration. Regardless of which side of the political fence you’re on, this stuff is funny (it’s many other things too, but let’s stick with funny for this blog).
Take the fake audience thing – as a comedian,

Laughing at a Real Comedian?
we strive to be genuinely funny and make real people really laugh. Laugh tracks were started somewhere in the late 1950’s to spice up sitcoms, but I don’t think they’re used much today. And entire fake audiences are rare, but I actually got to be a part of one about 15 years ago. In my quest to keep myself afloat after moving to Los Angeles, I did extra work. . .you know, those people in the background of TV shows, commercials and movies who walk around in the scene to make it come alive. Well, one day, I found myself as an “extra” in the audience of Dr. Laura’s short-lived TV show. I’m guessing she couldn’t find enough people who WANTED to attend, so the entire audience, at least that day, was paid to listen to her. And paid extras aren’t that reliable. We had to re-shoot a couple of her moments more than once because the camera accidentally got a shot of an extra sleeping. I was dressed better than most – in jeans, and so, since I looked presentable, and I was awake, I was approached 2 or 3 times by a production person asking me if I would ask her this pre-written question, that they provided, during her audience “Q&A” segment. This was the segment where she heard from the audience and then gave the person advice on solving their problem. A fake question from a fake audience member getting advice on a made-up issue that I didn’t have from a woman I didn’t think had good advice – geez! I declined. . .multiple times!
Sometimes people are fake, but they’re really trying.
A club owner told me that he one got a video from a kid who wanted to be a comedian, but didn’t know how, so he filmed himself in his bathroom, doing his stand-up in front of a shower curtain to . . .NOBODY. That’s right, he was even shouting out one-liner-zingers to fake heckler audience members. You gotta give the kid credit for trying, I guess.
I think comedians take more offense
to fake then most because there’s not much we can fake in our comedy show. Whilst actors in sitcoms get re-take after re-take, we have to be on the mark every time we’re on stage – people laugh or they don’t. Period. That’s my theory why so many comedians are asked to host awards shows like the Oscars and the Golden Globes – we can do the funny in one-take.
But instead of the one-take rule
freaking you out, make sure you know your material, and then just relax and have fun with it. . . be in the moment. During an interview today, the reporter asked me what is the advantage of going to a comedy show versus watching one on TV, and I said because you’re a part of an experience!
People appreciate genuine, so
write material you genuinely think is funny and perform it like you genuinely think it’s funny. You and those around you will enjoy it. . . and you won’t have to pay anyone to listen to you!!!
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