How To Do A Joke When You Are Afraid To Say A Joke. . .

So if you want to add in a joke, but you’re scared of doing the set-up punch thing right off the bat during your speech because you’re afraid either no one will laugh at the punch line or you’ll mess it up. . . no worries. You can still add some humor by doing a funny quiz. These give you a great break because you’re not trying to remember a joke in perfect word order, since you can put the quiz in your power point or written document, AND generally people like taking silly quizzes that they know they’ll ace!

I’d recommend starting off with something in the multiple choice A, B, or C format. You can have silly answers for all of the letters, or do 2 serious answers and one silly one being C the punch line. Keeping it in 3’s is the standard practice in comedy so people are used to it and as I’ve mentioned, for some reason comedy is just funnier when it’s in threes.

So take the thing you’re trying to have fun with, and make it into quiz format. For example, when I was in front of some meeting planners, and wanted to emphasize that I knew they were busy, I came up with. .

“Meeting Planners, you know you’ve been traveling too much for the company when you get home and  . . .”

1.) Stuff the towels and soap from your own bathroom into your suitcase.

2.) Tip your spouse for carrying in your luggage.

3.) Refer to your fridge as “the mini bar.”

To get to the three lines, just list out all the things that you experience when you travel like tipping, luggage, eating in restaurants, working out in the gym, etc. .  . . or things that are common jokes about traveling, like stealing towels, drinking up the mini bar, etc. .

Here’s another example that I sold to radio. This time the first 2 answers are real answers that were listed in the news article, but the third answer is a goofy one I came up with:

–According to, the reason you’re not making more money at work is probably because:

A.)  You don’t understand technology.

B.)  You’re not in with the right crowd at work.


Again, I listed out a whole bunch of whacky reasons why you might not get more $ at work. I took it all the way back to asking myself about the job interview and the resume, and voila! I got my funny answer.

I’ve done millions of nutty quizzes and they’re always fun., plus they give me a break from trying to remember new jokes so I get to catch my breath. Try it!

1 Huge Reason to Include Funny

Nutrisystem sales are down according to AOL. . . a CEO from Nutrisystem says they wasted 3 million on “cardboard”. . which I thought he was referring to the taste of the food, but it was actually the signs and posters of their spokesperson athletes. So how could Nutrisystem have had a better ROI? How about using humor! According AdWeek. . . ”We found that brands that advertise on the Super Bowl see an average sales uplift of more than 11 percent in the following month. This generates an ROI from Super Bowl ads 250 times greater than the ROI from the average TV ad.”

An ad in the superbowl costs 2.5-2.8 million for a 30 second spot. . .and most of them are funny! We remember Betty White playing football for Snickers this year. . .and we remember “herding cats” from last year. Put some funny into your advertisement, and you can win big!

A GREAT place to look for humor at an annual event. . .

Okay, so you’ve got a big event coming up that you want to kick off by writing jokes about the event. The problem is, nothing they’ve told you is funny! Okay, forget about the present, and look to the past! If this event has taken place over a number of years, you can bet that A.) SOMETHING SOMETIME has gone wrong, B.) lots of people remember it because they’ve been coming to the event for years. And even if they weren’t present, they probably heard about it. A quick reference will usually get a great laugh and some appreciation that you did your home work.

For example, I just did a show for a group who, last year, raffled off a . . .(drum roll pleeeaseee) TOYOTA PRIUS! I only found it out by causally asking them what last year’s raffle item was! Had I just focused on this year, then I certainly would have missed that comedy gem. So I found out about the prius, and then I listed out all the things we now associate with a Toyota, to come up with the line. . .”I ran into the guy in the parking lot who won last year’s Toyota Prius. . .and if he ever gets that thing stopped, he’s coming in!”

I’ve also been at events in which the previous year, the dinners were burned, one of the top executives dressed up as Elvis, and a speaker put up an X-Rated power point. As long as I’m making tasteful fun AND the meeting planner client thought it was funny, then it’s okay to joke about it.

So go ahead and bring up the past. . . it’ll bring back some funny memories!

A great way to do errands in LA. . on my scooter


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