WHY Are We Doing It This Way?????

You know little kids can be annoying (probably why I didn’t have any). . .not because they wet their pants and/or barf a lot, but because they ask a lot of questions”. . many of which we don’t know the answer to – it just IS!!! And what is the most popular question...

Joking with Small Groups

9 People??? This week had I had the opportunity to be in front of a small group. . . 9 people. That’s NINE – single digit. . .no, I didn’t miss a zero. Before  this, the smallest I’d spoken to was 12. . . a little bit of a drop from the 4400 people I was in front of...

The Irony of Ironies

In the previous blog, I mentioned putting together lists of the environment and then finding the ironies between things in the environment. For one group I realized that they were not getting raises and that they were having a mild winter.. .which lead to the joke “So...

Pulling Out The Ironies

When writing a joke, what you’re really trying to do . . . is to pull out the ironies – the contradictions – in the situation. Ironies are all around us, yet most people don’t pay attention to them. So make a list of the environment and anything else you know...

What’s Your Goal???

Goal-Talk As we cruise into the new year, “goal-talk” is in the air. . .weight loss, exercise, making a bazillion bucks. You name it, we can turn it into a goal. Well, when you’re writing humor, you have to also ask yourself, what is your goal? Are you looking for a...